Selasa, 11 September 2012


                   “When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.”

Recent song played : Raise Your Glass - Pink.

This is a famous proverb that also refers to the natural ebb and flow of life that when one thing ends, another begins. So I just got resigned from my workplace and leave the team that highly supportive me in there, I do not give a clear reason, but I think this article may explain it..I guess I’ve always considered life to be a buffet and it’s all there for you to sample. I know that if I died tomorrow, I’d leave with few regrets because I’ve tried (and sometimes failed at) just about anything and everything that interested me in my life.

“There are some, down the road between hither and yon, that can scare you so much you won’t want to go on.”

When you look over your life, how many leaps of faith have attempted? How many new things have you tried? Are you satisfied with where you are or is something inside of you begging to step out into more?

Fear is probably the biggest bucket-list-killer. It makes you hesitate, question your motives, and stalls you into inactivity. It wants to convince you that if you try you’ll fail. And you know what? Maybe you will, but that never ever means you shouldn’t try. You have talents, interests and passions that you may be unaware of. All they need is a little push in the right direction.

I believe life is inherently challenging. Even if you never ventured from your home, trouble and heartache have a way of finding you anyway. That’s just the way it is. So instead of letting life throw you here and there, why not take the bull by the horns and make it your adventure. Dismiss the fear. Rewrite your bucket list and keep rewriting it, because your journey is full of surprises and the biggest one of all is all the potential that lies inside of you.

“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So, get on your way!”

Every time someone walks out my life, they pass the next person walking in. It’s one of those universal laws, and this isn’t just for people. You can see it when someone loses a job and finds a better one. The old door closed and another one opened up to a new opportunity… most times better than the last.

When you look at life like that, it’s almost impossible to get upset over who’s leaving. They are making room for the next teacher (because, after all, everyone and everything in your life is here to teach you something).

Whatever you’ve lost today, take just a moment to grieve the loss, but then have faith and feel good. That door closed so another one could open to reveal something much better that’s waiting just for you.

Dedicated to all my friends in the area 10 of KZ, thanks for your support I really appreciate it.All italicized quotes from Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go.

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